I realized something tonight, driving down the road to my yoga class of all places...
That sounds a little silly, doesn't it? But this was a major revelation. I'm not talking, 'Hey, it was a good day today Happy'. I'm talking, 'Wow, this-is-incredible, can't-stop-smiling, deep-in-my-soul HAPPY' Just generally happy. Not because of a particular thing or event, but.....just because.
Do you want to know the kicker? I should be freaking out right now. I am sooooo far backlogged on paperwork, my office is a perpetual disaster zone, my good friend and I have taken on the role of putting together and leading a team for the Relay for Life, my pastor just asked me to take over the job of leading the handbell choir (which I feel woefully underqualified for...), I'm trying to declutter our house and organize our family of four, I'm hosting a GoodbyeJunk Challenge on this blog & on twitter.... I'm getting started training to walk a half marathon, with asthma... See?
But, I'm not. I am HAPPY! Go figure.
Maybe it's the Yoga. Maybe it's Goodbye Junk. Maybe it's HelloMornings. Maybe it's Prayer. Maybe it's taking real care of myself for a change, and looking at things with gratitude. Maybe it's just the simple fact that I'm not trying to be perfect anymore, and I'm just trying to do my best little by little to make progress. Maybe it's a combination of all of those things. Whatever it is, I'm going to keep doing it, because it's working!
Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead....
- I Peter 1:6
May you find joy and happiness as well.
This post is dedicated to my dear friends K & M. I'm convinced that conversations with the two of you are a real part of where I've found this happiness. Thank you for the blessing of your friendship and support!
happy that you are HAPPY!!
m :)
Awww.... Thank you, sweet friend! Wishing the same happiness for you...
Isn't it funny how happiness can sneak up on you? I've had similar reactions at various times throughout my life, where it's like it just flies out of the sky and "Boom!" there you have it. So happy that you're happy! =)
What a NEAT post, a GREAT feeling, a GOOD place to be and a SWEET dedication! I feel happier just having read this! :)
Oh, thank you, Laura & SomeGirl. Ya'll just made my morning!
Hope you both have wonderful, happy weekends!
Great post! I have to admit that I sometimes struggle with happiness. It made me feel good to read this and know that things I am trying to do are helping to make my life happier. I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for sharing our revelation with us all! :)
Thanks, Place! I'm not a naturally born happy person, I don't think. I'd say I'm usually fairly content, but not outright happy. And I usually struggle off and on with feeling down, too. I definitely think that it's all these smaller changes that are adding up to make the difference for me. I hope your changes make the same difference for you!
Aw, that's awesome. I love those times when you're like... just HAPPY. Everything is awesome, life is wonderful, yeah there are a few things that kinda suck, but mostly, you're just happy. I miss that. I hope to get back to that soon though. I'm glad you're there. You should be happy. You have a pretty amazing life sista.
This is great! Glad you are happy. That is a nice way to be :)
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